EDR | The Hecklefest!

EDR | The Hecklefest!
從 AUD AU$75.00
  • 天數: 1 天 (左右)
  • 位置: Maydena, TAS
  • 产品编号: EDR-hecklefest

The ticket price will provide you a full day guided tour that is scheduled in conjunction with the top 30 racers in the field, so you won’t miss seeing all the top pros on every stage. The Hecklefest will also include an on-hill lunch and drink vouchers at the final stage beer garden. This will without a doubt be the most fun way to spectate Round 1 of the Enduro World Cup season. All participants must have full suspension bike

Map – TBA!

Ticket Price - $75

Please note minimum intermediate rider requirement**


·       Guided tour around the race venue to all the best locations, see all the top pro’s in action

·       Uplift passes where required (minimal climbing required)

·       Lunch on hill BBQ

·       Drink vouchers for after party 

Date: Sunday March 26th 

Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm